Creative and educational camp for teenagers called "Summer Art Lab" was held from 3/8/2020 until 15/08/2020. The topic of the camp was reckless consumerism and self-sustainability throughout combined workshops of contemporary dance, drama movement, designing and making costumes from recycled materials and the final "street performance" as a result of attendance. The idea was to present the issue of pollution, unawareness and attitudes towards the environment through most art channels (dance, music, fashion, drama movement). While the emphasis was on raising awareness and building an attitude about the self-sustainability of life on Earth through artistic expression. The program helped in developing creativity, provided new knowledge, thought new skills, raised awareness of the preservation of our planet Earth, all while emphasizing teamwork and teaching young people true values of life!
2020 - Dance camp - teacher and choreographer
Summer Art Lab
Project coordinator: Ivana Domazet
Project leaders: Leonarda Lovrekovic and Lejla Hasanagic
Videographer: Mladen Đaković
Photography: Andi Bancic