The Nike campaign Member days released in November 2023.
2023 - Nike campaign - assistant movement director
NIKE - Member Days
Agency: &
Creatives: @akialles
Produced by @mariekemessing
Director: @camilleboumans
D.O.P: @barthoveijn
Photographer: @maxvomhofe @atomos
Creative Producer:
Choreographer: @larsbohte
Assistant Choreographer: @leonarda_lovrekovic
1st AD: @borisapituley
1st AC: @jessekoelstra
Key Grip: Antoine Petit @gripwise
Gaffer: @koenvanbergen
Styling: @lissabrandon
MUA: @katofierkens
Hair: @sophiewortelboer
H&M assistant: @fevanfliet
1st Assistant Photography: @juroster
2nd Assistant Photography & Digi tech: @carlholman
Production Assistant & On set photography coordination: @lisaruseler Runner: @amen_sephia
Editor: @camilleboumans
Grading: @kingofcurtis @glassworksvfx
Music and Sound Designer: @nielsdenotter @audentity